english japanese
@Taiji (Taijiquan), a traditional Chiese practice that combines
physical exercise with meditation and breath control, begins more than
1800 years ago. It is based on the belief@that a constantly
active body is free from indigestion, circulatory troubles and
other disorders.

Taiji is a highly absorbing form of@exercise where
all muscles and joints are in motion, where breathing and
movement are regulated to a tempo and where the mind is fully
concentrated and relaxed. This produces a sedative effect on the
nervous system that preserve health and prevent disease.

Class guide
@kyoto E Takarazuka E Takatsuki

ƒCƒ“ƒ^[ƒlƒbƒg‘พ‹ษŒ Internet Taiji
@Three principles of Taiji-Joint, Streching, Qigong exercise

@Zhen style Taiji@The origin of Taiji@
The name of each movements
ฆDown load Windows Media Player

@Yang style Taiji
The name of each movements (24 forms)
The name of each movements (48 forms)

@Seven Stars Qigong (Breathing exercise)
Seven forms Qigong exercise
For your daily life (5 minutes for 1 set)

Small Note (Seminar in Denmark 1996/10/7)
ฆDown load Real Player

kyotomall Taiji shop @Shop Photo
Taiji cloth E Book (English) EDVD (English) EVideo (Japanese/English telop)

@@@ map
Taiji(Taichi)&Qigong(Chigong) Office

1-2 Shinsenen-cho,Nakagyo-ku, Kyoto Japan 604-8371
TEL:+81-(0)75-811-0545@@FAX:+81-(0)75-811-0544 @Contact: office@taiqi.net

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